Successful WE37 Possession at Point Clare Station
We are delighted to advise the safe and successful utilisation of the WE37 track possession over the weekend of the 12th and 13th March at Point Clare Station.
Over the possession weekend, 75 persons worked a total of 836 hours to complete the work required and the station was ready for commuters by Monday morning. The balance of works were completed under the preapproved Level 5 permit during the following days.
Further work achieved over the possession weekend included:
- 2 x 5m bored piles with temporary casing below live 11kV power lines
- 2 x 6m bored piles with temporary casing
- 2 major inground steel obstructions removed from piles at a depth of up to 3m
- Temporary toilet installed to Brisbane waters drive car park
The possession was finished with zero FAI’s, MTI’s or LTIs.
Congratulations and thank you to the Gartner Rose staff, Transport for NSW project team, our subcontractors and suppliers for the effective utilisation of Possession WE37 at Point Clare Station.