Campbells Cove Promenade Upgrade
This project involved levelling and widening the existing promenade to create a spectacular waterfront leisure area and amphitheatre for public events.
The scope included 4,700m2 of paving, 120 precast concrete elements, 48 high security bollards and a complete services upgrade, all whilst ensuring no impact on cruise ships and wharf users in one of the busiest pedestrian precincts in Sydney. To compliment the historic attributes within The Rocks and Circular Quay, heritage sandstone was re-used to feature Campbells Cove with the continuation of shoreline markers to highlight the history of the area.
Gartner Rose removed over 3,000t of material from the project, across a range of classifications. An in situ stabilisation process, combined with a redesign of the proposed slab, resulted in over 1,000t of spoil being able to remain in place with massive environmental benefits.
All works were undertaken in a live, water’s edge and heritage environment with minimal disruption to the public access of the area, surrounding businesses, tenants and residents.
Civil and Commercial
$11.22 million
Place Management NSW
May 2018 - February 2019
AILA NSW Awards – Landscape Architecture Award for Tourism